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What You Need to Know About Eczema and Psoriasis

Spectrum of Life

What You Need to Know About Eczema and Psoriasis

Eczema and psoriasis are both inflammatory skin conditions. It manifests as irritation and skin discoloration.

Certain signs of it can be used to distinguish between the two conditions. Eczema usually shows up in the folds of the skin, while psoriasis shows up on the elbows or the scalp.

If you or your child have a chronic rash-like illness, it can be difficult to determine if it is eczema or psoriasis.

Both are chronic skin diseases. Sometimes it's hard to know what illness you or your child has.

A doctor is the most qualified to evaluate and diagnose either condition. However, there are crucial distinctions between the two scenarios that might help you identify which one you could be experiencing.


It is also called atopic dermatitis, is a skin condition that causes itchy skin, flaky, red, and irritated skin. Severe of it can make it hard to sleep and hard to focus on work or school.

It’s often starts when a child is young, but it can happen at any age. When it starts in childhood, it usually goes away by the time a person is an adult. When it starts later in life, it is often a long-term problem.


Dry, flaky, and red skin are common symptoms of it, a skin ailment. Plaques are thickened areas of skin that develop from excessive accumulation.

It is more common in adults, but it can appear at any age. It usually manifests itself between the ages of 18 and 30. Unlike eczema, it can manifest in more than just the skin. As well as affecting the skin, it can also manifest in the nails, eyes, and joints.

On the other hand, it tends to manifest itself on the skin's surface, particularly in vulnerable places like the scalp, knees, and belly button.

The appearance of eczema and psoriasis varies from person to person.

The condition will look different depending on how bad it is and what color your skin is. Psoriasis, for instance, typically manifests itself on dark skin tones as scaly, silvery gray, purple, or ashy spots. Light-skinned people may develop scaly red or pink spots.

Eczema looks different on people with different skin tones, too.

In most cases, it will appear red on fair skin. Breakouts of it on people with darker skin tones may appear brown, purple, or ashen instead of red.

The root and triggers of psoriasis

It is an autoimmune disorder. It happens when your immune system targets healthy skin cells. As a result, your body produces far too many new skin cells. Excess skin cells form as skin plaques in it.

The root and triggers of eczema

The exact cause is unknown. Some eczema sufferers have a mutated filaggrin gene.

But many people with eczema don't have this mutation and don't have anyone in their family with eczema.

The causes of psoriasis and eczema

Doctors are aware of triggers that can result in eczema or psoriasis flare-ups. Individual triggers vary, but there are a few common triggers that tend to aggravate this disease in people who have these conditions. Among these are:

  • Stress

  • Cold weather

  • Harsh soaps

  • Dry weather

  • Dry skin

  • Allergic reactions to bites, stings, and other skin injuries

It can be hard to tell the difference between the two because many skin conditions cause swelling and itching and react to many of the same things.

The two scenarios are very different. Eczema appears in skin folds, such as the neck or behind the knees. Psoriasis, on the other hand, shows up on the skin's surface, like the scalp or the outside of the elbows.

Treatment can help manage your symptoms, regardless of your condition. Treatment depends on how bad your symptoms are, but it usually includes both taking care of your triggers and taking good care of your skin.

Skin disease treatments:

Phase 1: Skin Assessment

  • Meeting the doctors to find out more about your condition

  • Complete a case assessment on the patient’s health condition and history of the illness.

  • Advice on skin screening (BR Scan, HTMA, QFA 2000, and IgG Food Panel Test), diet, nutrition, lifestyle, and emotional therapy to manage skin diseases and lower the recurrence rate

Phase 2: Detoxification

  • Remove toxins and other impurities from the body to reduce inflammation, restore the body’s detoxifying capacity, and improve gut health.

  • Examples of therapies: colon hydrotherapy, colon enema, salt cave, electro lymphatic therapy (ELT), concentrated infrared sauna.

Phase 3: Restoration

  • Supply essential nutrients to support the body’s metabolic pathways and to restore balance (homeostasis) in the body.

  • Examples of therapies: Vitamin C, Curcumin, Probiotics, Nutritional Therapy, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Fluvic Mineral, Fish Oil, Customized Homoeopathic Medicine, and Cream.

Phase 4: Maintenance

  • The goal is to continuously maintain our patients’ healing progression and lower the recurrence rate.

  • The determination of what constitutes maintenance, supportive care, and or therapy is made by our expert doctors after reviewing the patient’s case history and or treatment plan.

  • Maintenance therapy and supportive care may be used interchangeably periodically every 3 to 6 months, according to the patient’s condition.

FAQ About Eczema and Psoriasis

1. Are they related?

They are not related.

2. Can eczema develop into psoriasis?

No. They are two very different diseases. Eczema cannot develop into psoriasis. However, the two conditions can be confused, especially in children. A child may be misdiagnosed with eczema and then later be diagnosed with psoriasis.

3. How many people with psoriasis get psoriatic arthritis?

Psoriatic arthritis is thought to affect 20-40% of psoriasis patients.

4. Can eczema and psoriasis coexist?

Both circumstances can coexist. Some people have both eczema and psoriasis.

5. Are they a permanent disease?

In childhood, eczema frequently resolves on its own by adulthood. Eczema and psoriasis are usually persistent. Both conditions are curable if managed properly with treatment, the symptoms can be kept under control and flare-ups can be kept to a minimum.

6. How do you tell if it's psoriasis or eczema?

The biggest difference between eczema and psoriasis is what causes it. Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease, which means that your immune system doesn't work right, and your skin cells grow too quickly. The cells start to pile up on top of the skin, forming the white scale.

On the other hand, eczema is somewhat of an allergy. They don’t look very much alike as well.

Eczema is characterized by scaly, oozing, crusty, rough, leathery patches that are sometimes dark and cause swelling.

Psoriasis causes red patches, silvery and scaly skin, and raised skin that is thicker and more inflamed than with eczema.

7. What is the root cause of eczema?

Eczema is an inflammatory condition that has many triggers namely irritants such as soaps, detergents, shampoo, washing liquid. Next food intolerance towards gluten, dairy and sugar which also causes an inflammatory response triggering eczema.

These also stems from our gut health. If there is a dysbiosis (or an inflamed gut) eczema is triggered. On top of that certain heavy metal toxicities, we acquired from the environment can be the precursor for eczema.

Climate changes as well triggers eczema. So, knowing the right emollients and protective barrier cream is important not to aggravate it further.

Another looked down cause, which also is the main trigger of eczema is stress and our emotion. Exploring our emotional wellbeing can help stabilize eczema too.

8. What is the root cause of psoriasis?

Autoimmune disorder and leaky gut

9. What triggers eczema or psoriasis?

Common triggers in people with psoriasis include infections, cuts or burns, certain medications, inflammatory foods, and climate.

10. How do you get rid of psoriasis and eczema?

It involves multimodal treatment by addressing root causes and paying attention to the following:

  • Changes in diet

  • Environment

  • Stress and adrenal issues

  • Infections

  • Chemicals exposed

  • Underlying pre-existing diseases

  • Electromagnetic frequency exposed

  • Heavy metal toxicity

  • Allergies

  • Gut health

  • Poor sleep pattern

11. What diseases are linked to psoriasis?

Psoriatic arthritis, Crohn's disease, psychological disorders, and uveitis

12. Can you have both psoriasis and eczema at the same time?


13. What is the best medicine for it?

There is no one best medicine; we need to address it from within with a holistic approach.

14. Is it better to keep psoriasis moist or dry?

Most definitely, keeping it moist helps soothe the skin.

15. How often should you moisturize with psoriasis?

As frequently as possible, especially after showers

16. Are psoriasis and eczema treating the same?

Psoriasis and eczema are treated differently based on the root cause. In eczema allergies are identified any vitamin deficiency is checked for instance vitamin D and vitamin B12. Next heavy metals toxicity and food allergy test is done as well.

In psoriasis, our gut health is paid attention as 80% of our immune system is in our gut. Psoriasis is an autoimmune disorder different homeopathy remedies are prepared as well based on the exact presentation of the skin condition.

17. What lotion is good for eczema or psoriasis?

Moisturizers with no steroid content can lock in water and create a barrier against things that can irritate your skin.

18. What is the best cream for eczema and psoriasis?

There’s no one best cream but having an aqueous cream or petroleum jelly base paired up with homeopathic remedies specially curated for you is the best.

19. Do eczema and psoriasis have shampoo?

We do not provide shampoo; our goal is to heal from within.

20. Can eczema and psoriasis occur at the same time?

Yes, it can occur at the same time, concurrently.

21. Do eczema and psoriasis have soap?

No. Our treatment is from the inside out.

22. What other skin diseases do you treat?

We cover psoriasis, eczema, keratosis pilaris, acne scars, hives, rosacea, and any skin disease related

23. Is there any treatment center that specializes in eczema and psoriasis?

Yes, you can visit: SOL Integrative Wellness Centre, call or WhatsApp us at +6016-2361679.

24. How much does it cost to treats eczema or psoriasis?

For the best offer, click here, or you may contact or WhatsApp us at +6016-2361679, or

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