Play Therapy

“Toys are children’s words and play is their language” -Gary Landreth.
Play is popularly considered to be spontaneous pleasurable behaviour, solely for amusement, yet it is far more than that. Play is central to a child’s healthy cognitive, motor, linguistic, emotional and social development (Ginsberg, 2007). Play is crucial for children’s creativity, exploration, physical skills, self-regulation, interpersonal development and social learning. The necessity of play for a child’s growth is undeniable.
Play therapy is a therapeutic modality wherein play is the principle therapeutic factor. Because play is a child’s natural medium of communication, play therapy is an ideal modality in which to allow children to express their feelings and deal with their emotional problems. In essence, play therapy is for children what ‘talk therapy’ or counselling is for adults.
Play therapy provides the child with a consistent and predicable therapeutic relationship and environment in which to explore their fears, difficulties, struggles and pain, as well as hopes, dreams and fantasies. The underpinning assumption of play therapy is that, given this relationship and environment, the child has the inner resources to bring about growth and change in their own lives.
[+] Help children learn more helpful behaviors
[+] Understand their emotions
[+] Gain insight about resolving inner conflicts
[+] Learn self-control
[+] Learn self respect
[+] Learn to express their feelings
[+] Problem solving
[+] Communication skills
[+] Modify problem behaviors
[+] Psychosocial issues, such as shyness, anxiety, stress, poor communication, grief and loss;
[+] Behavioural problems such as aggression, poor motor co-ordination, self-harming, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder;
[+] Responses to family and relationship problems, such as family violence, parental separation, attachment disorders, trauma and abuse;
[+] Educational issues such as poor organisational skills, poor planning and execution of tasks, poor story comprehension, and
[+] Disability including autism, psychosis, sensory impairment and intellectual impairment.
[+] Radiation-Free
[+] Non-Invasive
+] Customized & Tailored Protocol
[+] Conducted by trained & certified therapists
1. Children with ASD
2. Children with ADHD
3. Children with emotional problem
4. Children with high stress and anxiety