Get FREE ECP Trial now
Who are We?
SOL Integrative Wellness Centre located in Kuala Lumpur, is experienced in treating heart-related and circulation conditions such as angina, diabetes, hypertension and other chronic illnesses. We help to improve your heart functions using ONLY natural healing solution. We are treating you as a whole with multidisciplinary treatments and we help you not only your current condition but also educate you how to live a wholesome lifestyle so that you do not need to suffer from the same problem again!

#1 Heart Solution
You Have to Know in Malaysia
External Counter Pulsation Therapy
ECP (External Counter Pulsation) is an alternative treatment for heart diseases such as angina, coronary artery disease or any cardiac-related issues. ECP creates a “natural bypass” without the actual surgery!
ECP helps reroute blood around narrowed or blocked arteries that are not supplying sufficient blood flow to the heart. It is an outpatient procedure during which cuffs are wrapped around the patient’s calves, thighs and buttocks. The cuffs are connected to air hoses that in turn are connected to valves that inflate and deflate the cuffs in sync with the patient’s heart beat. The pressure compresses blood vessels in the legs in order to increase blood flow to the heart. ECP may prompt blood vessels to create small channels (collaterals) that may act as “natural bypass’ to increase blood flow to the heart and relieve angina symptoms and promote blood circulation in the body.
Who is Eligible for ECP?
Patients who do not qualify for angioplasty or bypass surgery
Congestive heart failure
Chronic stable angina
Coronary artery disease (CAD)
Erectile dysfunction
Patients taking medication for pain relief
Shortness of Breath
Fatigue, always feel tired
For disease prevention and to "feel" younger
Enhanced external counterpulsation (EECP) has been approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for management of refractory angina and heart failure patient.
- Umesh Sharma, Heidi K. Ramsey, Tahir Tak, 2013
Enhanced external counterpulsation (EECP) is a noninvasive treatment for coronary artery disease (CAD) that has been used successfully in patients not responding to medical and/or surgical therapy and the effect can last 5 years and more!
- Lawson WE, Hui JC, Cohn PF, 2000
Benefits of ECP
The benefits of ECP therapy are proven in more than 190 clinical studies. ECP therapy improves the entire health system by restoring delivery of oxygenated blood to the heart and all parts of the body. Clinical studies show that over 75% of patients benefit from ECP therapy with sustained improvement up to five years post-treatment. ECP therapy is great for:
Improve Heart Functions
Help in Erectile Dysfunction
Reduce Anti-Anginal Medication / Nitrates
Promote Blood Circulation
Relieve Angina / Chest Pain
Anti-Aging Effects
Increase Energy + Exercise Tolerance
Improve Quality of Life
No Admission to Hospital
Natural & Non-Invasive
Only 1 Hour / Day
High Quality at Reasonable Price
How Does ECP Work?

1 ECP session usually takes about an hour (may start from 30 minutes for the first few sessions and gradually increase).

ECP treatment gently but firmly compresses the blood vessels in the lower limbs to increase blood flow to your heart. Each wave of pressure is electronically timed to the heartbeat, so that the increased blood flow is delivered to your heart at the precise moment it is relaxing. When the heart pumps again, pressure is released instantaneously. This lowers resistance in the blood vessels in the legs so that blood may be pumped more easily from your heart.

ECP may encourage blood vessels to open small channels that become extra branches. These channels or collaterals may eventually become "natural bypass" vessels to provide blood flow to heart muscle. This contributes to the relief of angina symptoms.
What can you expect during the session?
1. You will lie down on a comfortable treatment bed.
2. Three electrodes are applied to the skin of your chest and connected to an electrocardiograph (ECG) machine. The ECG will display the heart's rhythm during treatment. Blood pressure is also monitored.
3. A set of cuffs is wrapped around the calves, thighs and buttocks. These cuffs attach to air hoses that connect to valves that inflate and deflate the cuffs. Patients experience a sensation of a strong "hug" moving upward from calves to thighs to buttocks during inflation followed by the rapid release of pressure on deflation. Inflation and deflation are electronically synchronized with the heartbeat and blood pressure using the ECG and blood pressure monitors.
Booking for the FREE ECP Session
First, please fill up your details in the form provided at the top of the page or click this button here:
Second, our representative will give you a call / WhatsApp to discuss on your current condition and arrange the appointment for the FREE ECP session.
You are required to send over your medical or any health reports (if any) at least 1 day prior to the appointment.

SOL Integrative Wellness Centre
6th Floor, Lot 442, Wisma Hrih Lotus, Jalan Pahang, Setapak, 53000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
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Facebook: Spectrum of Life
Tel : +603 - 4023 5689
+603 - 4022 6689
Fax : +603 - 4024 5689
WhatsApp: +6016 - 2361679
This website is for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment and advice of your doctor. All medical treatments have varied outcomes. Results from the treatments will vary from patient to patient.
© 2020 by SOL Integrative Wellness Centre. All rights reserved.